
public final class SelfieStringOptions implements Parcelable

Provides options to customize messages, prompts or text in Selfie Capture, Retry and Instruction Screens.


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public SelfieStringOptions SelfieStringOptions(String captureScreenLabel, String captureScreenError, String moveCloser, String moveAway, String alignInsideOval, String capturingFace, String realFace, String leftEyeClosed, String rightEyeClosed, String faceMaskDetected, String tooMuchLight, String tooDark, String straightenHead, String eyesClosed, String multipleFaces, String moveFaceDown, String moveFaceUp, String glassesDetected, String hatDetected, String scarfDetected, String scarfHatDetected, String glassesHatDetected, String scarfGlassesDetected, String maskDetected, String maskHatDetected, String scarfMaskDetected, String maskGlassesDetected, String fakeFace, String retryScreenLabelText, String retryButtonText, String retryCancelButtonText, String selfieInstructionText, String selfieInstructionScreenButtonText, String cameraScreenCancelBtnText)


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Option to set align Oval string. Align Face Inside Oval user prompt.

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Option to set Cancel button text on top bar.

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Option to set error prompt in Capture screen.

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Option to set label in Capture screen.

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Option to set capturing face string. Capturing Face user prompt.

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Option to set eyes closed string. Keep eyes open user prompt.

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Option to set face mask detected string. Face Mask Detected user prompt.

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private String fakeFace

Option to set Fake Face string. Fake Face user prompt.

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Option to set glasses detected string. Remove Glasses user prompt.

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Option to set glasses and hat detected string message. Glasses and Hat detected user prompt.

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Option to set hat detected string message. Hat detected user prompt.

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Option to set left eye closed string. Left Eye Closed user prompt.

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Option to set mask detected string message. Mask detected user prompt.

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Option to set Mask and Glasses detected string message. Mask and Glasses detected user prompt.

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Option to set Mask and Hat detected string message. Mask and Hat detected user prompt.

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private String moveAway

Option to set moved away string. Move Face Away user prompt.

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Option to set moved closer string. Move Face Closer user prompt.

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Option to set move face down string. ``Move Face Down user prompt.

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Option to set move face up string. Move Face Up user prompt.

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Option to set multiple faces string. Multiple faces detected user prompt.

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private String realFace

Option to set real face string. Real Face user prompt.

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Option to set Retry screen retry button text.

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Option to set Retry screen cancel button text.

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Option to set Retry screen label text.

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Option to set right eye closed string. Right Eye Closed user prompt.

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Option to set scarf detected string message. Scarf detected user prompt.

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Option to set scarf and glasses detected string message. Scarf and Glasses detected user prompt.

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Option to set scarf and hat detected string message. Scarf and Hat detected user prompt.

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Option to set Scarf and Mask detected string message. Scarf and Mask detected user prompt.

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Option to set Selfie Instruction screen continue button text.

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Option to set Instruction screen instruction text.

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Option to set straighten head string. Tilt head upright user prompt.

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private String tooDark

Option to set too much dark string. Excessive darkness detected. Please reduce darkness to proceed. user prompt.

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Option to set too much light string. Excessive backlighting detected. Please reduce backlighting to proceed. user prompt.


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public abstract Integer describeContents()
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public final String getAlignInsideOval()

Option to set align Oval string. Align Face Inside Oval user prompt.

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Option to set Cancel button text on top bar.

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Option to set error prompt in Capture screen.

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Option to set label in Capture screen.

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public final String getCapturingFace()

Option to set capturing face string. Capturing Face user prompt.

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public final String getEyesClosed()

Option to set eyes closed string. Keep eyes open user prompt.

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public final String getFaceMaskDetected()

Option to set face mask detected string. Face Mask Detected user prompt.

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public final String getFakeFace()

Option to set Fake Face string. Fake Face user prompt.

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public final String getGlassesDetected()

Option to set glasses detected string. Remove Glasses user prompt.

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Option to set glasses and hat detected string message. Glasses and Hat detected user prompt.

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public final String getHatDetected()

Option to set hat detected string message. Hat detected user prompt.

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public final String getLeftEyeClosed()

Option to set left eye closed string. Left Eye Closed user prompt.

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public final String getMaskDetected()

Option to set mask detected string message. Mask detected user prompt.

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Option to set Mask and Glasses detected string message. Mask and Glasses detected user prompt.

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public final String getMaskHatDetected()

Option to set Mask and Hat detected string message. Mask and Hat detected user prompt.

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public final String getMoveAway()

Option to set moved away string. Move Face Away user prompt.

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public final String getMoveCloser()

Option to set moved closer string. Move Face Closer user prompt.

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public final String getMoveFaceDown()

Option to set move face down string. ``Move Face Down user prompt.

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public final String getMoveFaceUp()

Option to set move face up string. Move Face Up user prompt.

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public final String getMultipleFaces()

Option to set multiple faces string. Multiple faces detected user prompt.

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public final String getRealFace()

Option to set real face string. Real Face user prompt.

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public final String getRetryButtonText()

Option to set Retry screen retry button text.

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Option to set Retry screen cancel button text.

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Option to set Retry screen label text.

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public final String getRightEyeClosed()

Option to set right eye closed string. Right Eye Closed user prompt.

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public final String getScarfDetected()

Option to set scarf detected string message. Scarf detected user prompt.

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Option to set scarf and glasses detected string message. Scarf and Glasses detected user prompt.

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public final String getScarfHatDetected()

Option to set scarf and hat detected string message. Scarf and Hat detected user prompt.

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Option to set Scarf and Mask detected string message. Scarf and Mask detected user prompt.

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Option to set Selfie Instruction screen continue button text.

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Option to set Instruction screen instruction text.

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public final String getStraightenHead()

Option to set straighten head string. Tilt head upright user prompt.

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public final String getTooDark()

Option to set too much dark string. Excessive darkness detected. Please reduce darkness to proceed. user prompt.

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public final String getTooMuchLight()

Option to set too much light string. Excessive backlighting detected. Please reduce backlighting to proceed. user prompt.

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public final Unit setAlignInsideOval(String alignInsideOval)

Option to set align Oval string. Align Face Inside Oval user prompt.

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public final Unit setCaptureScreenError(String captureScreenError)

Option to set error prompt in Capture screen.

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public final Unit setCaptureScreenLabel(String captureScreenLabel)

Option to set label in Capture screen.

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public final Unit setCapturingFace(String capturingFace)

Option to set capturing face string. Capturing Face user prompt.

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public final Unit setEyesClosed(String eyesClosed)

Option to set eyes closed string. Keep eyes open user prompt.

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public final Unit setFaceMaskDetected(String faceMaskDetected)

Option to set face mask detected string. Face Mask Detected user prompt.

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public final Unit setFakeFace(String fakeFace)

Option to set Fake Face string. Fake Face user prompt.

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public final Unit setGlassesDetected(String glassesDetected)

Option to set glasses detected string. Remove Glasses user prompt.

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public final Unit setGlassesHatDetected(String glassesHatDetected)

Option to set glasses and hat detected string message. Glasses and Hat detected user prompt.

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public final Unit setHatDetected(String hatDetected)

Option to set hat detected string message. Hat detected user prompt.

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public final Unit setLeftEyeClosed(String leftEyeClosed)

Option to set left eye closed string. Left Eye Closed user prompt.

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public final Unit setMaskDetected(String maskDetected)

Option to set mask detected string message. Mask detected user prompt.

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public final Unit setMaskGlassesDetected(String maskGlassesDetected)

Option to set Mask and Glasses detected string message. Mask and Glasses detected user prompt.

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public final Unit setMaskHatDetected(String maskHatDetected)

Option to set Mask and Hat detected string message. Mask and Hat detected user prompt.

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public final Unit setMoveAway(String moveAway)

Option to set moved away string. Move Face Away user prompt.

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public final Unit setMoveCloser(String moveCloser)

Option to set moved closer string. Move Face Closer user prompt.

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public final Unit setMoveFaceDown(String moveFaceDown)

Option to set move face down string. ``Move Face Down user prompt.

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public final Unit setMoveFaceUp(String moveFaceUp)

Option to set move face up string. Move Face Up user prompt.

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public final Unit setMultipleFaces(String multipleFaces)

Option to set multiple faces string. Multiple faces detected user prompt.

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public final Unit setRealFace(String realFace)

Option to set real face string. Real Face user prompt.

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public final Unit setRetryButtonText(String retryButtonText)

Option to set Retry screen retry button text.

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public final Unit setRetryCancelButtonText(String retryCancelButtonText)

Option to set Retry screen cancel button text.

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public final Unit setRetryScreenLabelText(String retryScreenLabelText)

Option to set Retry screen label text.

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public final Unit setRightEyeClosed(String rightEyeClosed)

Option to set right eye closed string. Right Eye Closed user prompt.

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public final Unit setScarfDetected(String scarfDetected)

Option to set scarf detected string message. Scarf detected user prompt.

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public final Unit setScarfGlassesDetected(String scarfGlassesDetected)

Option to set scarf and glasses detected string message. Scarf and Glasses detected user prompt.

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public final Unit setScarfHatDetected(String scarfHatDetected)

Option to set scarf and hat detected string message. Scarf and Hat detected user prompt.

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public final Unit setScarfMaskDetected(String scarfMaskDetected)

Option to set Scarf and Mask detected string message. Scarf and Mask detected user prompt.

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public final Unit setStraightenHead(String straightenHead)

Option to set straighten head string. Tilt head upright user prompt.

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public final Unit setTooDark(String tooDark)

Option to set too much dark string. Excessive darkness detected. Please reduce darkness to proceed. user prompt.

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public final Unit setTooMuchLight(String tooMuchLight)

Option to set too much light string. Excessive backlighting detected. Please reduce backlighting to proceed. user prompt.

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public abstract Unit writeToParcel(Parcel p0, Integer p1)