
public final class SelfieLayoutOptions implements Parcelable

Provides options to customize layout or position of labels in Selfie Capture, Retry and Instruction Screens.


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public SelfieLayoutOptions SelfieLayoutOptions(LabelGravity captureLabelGravity, CancelButtonGravity topBarCancelButtonGravity)


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Option to set Capture screen prompt label position.

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Option to set Capture screen top bar cancel button position.


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public abstract Integer describeContents()
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Option to set Capture screen prompt label position.

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Option to set Capture screen top bar cancel button position.

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public final Unit setCaptureLabelGravity(LabelGravity captureLabelGravity)

Option to set Capture screen prompt label position.

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public final Unit setTopBarCancelButtonGravity(CancelButtonGravity topBarCancelButtonGravity)

Option to set Capture screen top bar cancel button position.

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public abstract Unit writeToParcel(Parcel p0, Integer p1)