

This guide introduces the IDentity Android SDK within the IDmission product suite. Developers, project managers and QA testers should reference this guide for information on configuration and use of the IDentity SDK on the Android platform. We recommend reviewing the entire implementation guide to fully understand the IDentity SDK functionality and its respective capabilities.

This guide details processes and procedures for embedding the IDentity SDK into your host application and utilizing its current features. For additional IDentity SDK support, please contact our Customer Support team at

Overview and Key Features

The IDmission IDentity SDK is a comprehensive toolkit that enables the use of any combination of factors of identity to complete digital transformation goals. The goal of the IDentity SDK is to offer seamless integration into an existing digital paradigm where the end-to-end customer experience is still owned and managed in-house.

Quick Links to get started with IDentity SDK for Android

SDK Flavours Download Links - As per your requirement you can downloads the below IDentitySDK / IDentityMediumSDK / IDentityLiteSDK / IDentityVideoIDSDK.

Download IDentitySDK - Directly links to the IDentitySDK Sample app on IDmission GitHub Repository
Download IDentityMediumSDK - Directly links to the IDentityMediumSDK Sample app on IDmission GitHub Repository
Download IDentityLiteSDK - Directly links to the IDentityLiteSDK Sample app on IDmission GitHub Repository
Download IDentityVideoIDSDK (Coming soon) - Directly links to the IDentityVideoIDSDK Sample app on IDmission GitHub Repository

SDK Documentation - Directly links to the Identity Proofing SDK

The main features supported in this SDK are:

SDK Server API call

Getting Started

1. Please contact to for Login Credentials, which you will later pass to the SDK.

2.1. (Groovy) Go to your project-level build.gradle file, and add the following in the

allprojects {  
    repositories {  
        // important stuff below  
        maven {
            url ""
            name "GitLab"
            credentials(HttpHeaderCredentials) {
                name = "Private-Token"
                value = "WESesyuSD9fQeqNEyig6"
            authentication {
        //Required for fingerprint capture
        maven { url '' }

2.2. (Kotlin DSL) Go to your project-level settings.gradle.kts file, and add the following in the

   pluginManagement {
repositories {
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
// important stuff below
maven {
url = uri("")
name = "GitLab"
credentials(HttpHeaderCredentials::class) {
name = "Private-Token"
value = "WESesyuSD9fQeqNEyig6"
authentication {
//Required for fingerprint capture
maven {
url = uri("")
} = "AndroidSDKWithKTS"

3. In your app-level build.gradle file, add the following:

android {  
    // Java 8 is required for CameraX  
    compileOptions {  
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8  
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8  
    kotlinOptions {  
        jvmTarget = '1.8'  

//IdentityFull SDK
dependencies {  
     implementation 'com.idmission.sdk2:idmission-sdk:'     

//IdentityFullWithoutModels SDK
dependencies {  
     implementation 'com.idmission.sdk2:idmission-fullsdkwithoutmodels:'     

//IdentityMedium SDK
dependencies {  
     implementation 'com.idmission.sdk2:idmission-mediumsdk:'     

//IdentityMediumWithoutModels SDK
dependencies {  
     implementation 'com.idmission.sdk2:idmission-mediumsdkwithoutmodels:'     

//IdentityLite SDK
dependencies {  
     implementation 'com.idmission.sdk2:idmission-litesdk:'     

//IdentityLiteWithoutModels SDK
dependencies {  
     implementation 'com.idmission.sdk2:idmission-litesdkwithoutmodels:'     

//IdentityVideoID SDK
dependencies {  
     implementation 'com.idmission.sdk2:idmission-videoidsdk:'     

//IdentityVideoIDWithoutModels SDK
dependencies {  
    implementation 'com.idmission.sdk2:idmission-videoidsdkwithoutmodels:'     

4. Sync your project with Gradle

5. Generate Access Token :

Tokens are to be obtained on your server and sent to the client in the initialize call.

Login Credentials required for token generation.

The following details are required to generate a token:

* Auth_url : Authentication url for the given environment

* client_id : Client ID generated for the specific company

* client_secret : Client credentials/secret generated for the specific company

* Username : Integ user name

* Password: Password of the Integ user

All company login details needed are provided upon sign up on the Identity Portal.

Token Generation using RESTful API

Token Generation Sample Request:

         curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=password' \
--data-urlencode 'client_id=XXXXXXX' \
--data-urlencode 'client_secret=XXXXXXXX' \
--data-urlencode 'username=XXXXXXXX' \
--data-urlencode 'password=XXXXXXXXX' \
--data-urlencode 'scope=api_access'

Sample Response - Token Generation:

"access_token": "eyJhbGciO....5gNZx03Myb8ZuyY2gu3u-8KgGmULBs9mkPcg",
"expires_in": 18000,
"refresh_expires_in": 0,
"token_type": "Bearer",
"session_state": "e0b689e8-e7c6-47b7-bf9d-1349ea813c96",
"scope": "email profile api_access"

The following details are the response parameters

* access_token : Access Token value

* expires_in : Access token expires time in seconds

* refresh_expires_in : Refresh access token expires time in seconds

* token_type : Token type

* session_state : session state value

* scope : Token scope

6. SDK Initialization API.

Token obtained from server needs to be passed in initialize call as below

apiBaseUrl = apiBaseUrl,
sdkCustomizationOptions = SDKCustomizationOptions(language = "EN"),
enableDebug = false,
accessToken = accessTokenValue)

7. You may now use the library. Example usage below:

    class LaunchActivity : Activity() {    
        private val launcher = IdMissionCaptureLauncher()    
         var apiBaseUrl = ""
        override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {  
            //SDK initialize call
                CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main).launch {
                    var response: Response
                    withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
                        // Generate a token as described in the 'Generate Access Token' section.
                        response = IdentityProofingSDK.initialize(
                            apiBaseUrl = apiBaseUrl, 
                            enableDebug = enableDebug,
                            enableGPS = enableGPS,
                            sdkCustomizationOptions = SDKCustomizationOptions(
                                language = LANGUAGE
                            accessToken = accessTokenValue,
        //Call Enroll Service 
            someButton.setOnClickListener {
                    uniqueNumber = uniqueNumber.text.toString()) 
            // finalSubmit call for submit data to the server
            submitDataButton.setOnClickListener {
                CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main).launch {
        // capture result is received in onActivityResult    
        override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {  
            data ?: return  
            if (requestCode != IdMissionCaptureLauncher.CAPTURE_REQUEST_CODE) return  
            val processedCaptures = data.extras?.getParcelableArray(IdMissionCaptureLauncher.EXTRA_PROCESSED_CAPTURES)
            // do whatever you want with the data!  

Additional supported features

Getting Started for Signature Capture

  1. In your app-level build.gradle file, add the following:

     android {  
    // Java 8 is required for CameraX
    compileOptions {
    sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
    targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
    kotlinOptions {
    jvmTarget = '1.8'

    dependencies {
    implementation 'com.idmission.sdk2:signatureLib:'
  2. Sync your project with Gradle

  3. To capture a signature, use the following code.

     SignatureSDK.captureSignature(Activity activityContext)

    Activity activityContext,
    JSONObject captureSignatureConfig)

    Signature Capture Parameters

    activityContextContextInstance of your Activity
    captureSignatureConfigJSONObject{ "signature_capture_background": "N", "signature_title_label_message": "Sign 1", "signature_clear_btn_label_message": "clear 1", "signature_done_btn_label_message": "done 1", "signature_capture_detect_coordinates": "true" }
  4. You may now use the library. Example usage below:

     class LaunchActivity : Activity() {    

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

    //SDK signature call
    var doneBtnText = getString(R.string.done)
    var cancelBtnText = getString(R.string.clear)
    var signTitle = getString(R.string.sign_title)

    SignatureSDK.captureSignature(this@LaunchActivity, JSONObject("{ " +
    "\"signature_capture_background\": “N”, \"signature_title_label_message\": ${signTitle}, " +
    "\"signature_clear_btn_label_message\": ${cancelBtnText}, " +
    "\"signature_done_btn_label_message\": ${doneBtnText}, " +
    "\"signature_capture_detect_coordinates\": \"true\" }"))

    // Signature result is received in onActivityResult and set this result to SDK 2.0 Api setSignatureData
    override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
    data ?: return
    if (requestCode == SignatureConstants.SIGNATURE_CAPTURE_REQUEST_CODE) {
    var signatureData = data?.getStringExtra("SignatureImage")
    var signatureDataCoordinates = data?.getStringExtra("SignatureDataCoordinates")
    } else if (requestCode == SignatureConstants.SIGNATURE_CANCEL_RESPONSE_CODE) {
    // cancelled by user

Getting Started for Four Fingerprint Capture

  1. In your app-level build.gradle file, add the following:

     android {  
    // Java 8 is required for CameraX
    compileOptions {
    sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
    targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
    kotlinOptions {
    jvmTarget = '1.8'

    dependencies {
    implementation 'com.idmission.sdk2:4FingerprintCaptureLib:'
  2. Sync your project with Gradle

  3. You may now use the library. Example usage below:

     class LaunchActivity : Activity() {    

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

    //capture fingerprint
    val indexCapture: Boolean = true
    val middleCapture: Boolean = true
    val ringCapture: Boolean = true
    val babyCapture: Boolean = true

    val dIndexKeep = true
    val dMiddleKeep = true
    val dRingKeep = true
    val dBabyKeep = true

    val captureLeftHand: Boolean = true
    val instructionScreen: Boolean = false
    val config = JSONObject()
    if (indexCapture) "Y" else "N"
    if (middleCapture) "Y" else "N"
    if (ringCapture) "Y" else "N"
    if (babyCapture) "Y" else "N"
    if (captureLeftHand) "Y" else "N"

    if (dIndexKeep) "Y" else "N"
    if (dMiddleKeep) "Y" else "N"
    if (dRingKeep) "Y" else "N"
    if (dBabyKeep) "Y" else "N"

    if (instructionScreen == true) "Y" else "N"
    //set language for sdk capture

    ) { resultMap, response -> //set 4fingerPrintData in to the sdk 2.0

Custom Camera Fingerprint Capture Configurations

Camera fingerprint capture config Description

Following values are supported for label typeface.



Following values are supported for label typeface style.




Color and Transparency of label text on instruction screen.



Color and Transparency of instruction screen continue button.



Color and Transparency of instruction screen continue button text.
id_enable_label_shadow Enable/Disable label shadow



Color and Transparency of ID capture button.

Currently following labels are shown on FingerPrint Capture screen, that can be customized with your own custom message.


Additional functions are also detailed in the SDK Documentation
Note: When using the IDentity SDK, you do not need to create a request for XML; it is automatically generated by the SDK based on the function that you are calling

Parameters Used-

SDK initialization-
  • activityContext - Activity context.

  • apiBaseUrl - Base url provided by IDmission for API calls.

  • enableDebug - (Boolean) If you want to enable debug options or not.

  • enableGPS - (Boolean) If you want to enable GPS options or not.

  • sdkCustomizationOptions - SDKCustomizationOptions options if you want to add your customized UI details.

  • isUpdateModelsData - (Boolean) If you want to update model from the server.

  • accessToken - Access token value

Service Enroll Call
  • UniqueNumber - Unique Number required.

SDK UI Customization Options-
  • You can add your own customised ui details for ID and Face in Instruction, Capture and Retry screen by adding SDKCustomizationOptions in initialization or service call. You can refer below example:

    private fun getSdkCustomOptimization(): SDKCustomizationOptions {
return SDKCustomizationOptions(
language = LANGUAGE

/* For Document related customizations */
idCaptureCustomizationOptions = IDCaptureCustomizationOptions(
enableIdInstructionScreen = true,
stringOptions = IDStringOptions(
captureScreenFrontIDLabel = "Scan the Front of your ID",
captureScreenBackIDLabel = "SCAN the Back of your ID",
captureScreenBarcodeLabel ="Scan the Barcode on the Back of your ID ",
captureScreenDocumentCaptureLabel = "Frame Your Document.",
captureScreenError = "Sorry, we can\'t seem to find a face and/or required text on this ID.",
captureScreenBarcodeError = "Sorry, we can\'t seem to detect the barcode in this image.",
moveCloser = "Move ID Closer",
moveAway = "Move ID Away",
alignRectangle = "Align Document Inside Rectangle",
useFront = "Use Front of ID",
useBack = "Use Back of ID",
makeSurePhotoTextVisible = "Make sure all text on the ID is completely visible.",
scanBarcode = "Scan Barcode",
makeSureBarcodeVisible = "Make sure the barcode on the ID is completely visible.",
frontBackMismatch = "ID Front and Back Do Not Match",
flipToBack = "Flip to Capture ID Back",
tooMuchGlare = "Too much light,\n move document away from direct light",
tooMuchDark = "It\'s too dark to take a good image. Find a place with better lighting.",
retryScreenLabelText = "Real ID not detected. Please try again.",
retryButtonText = "Retry",
cancelButtonText = "Cancel",
idInstructionText = "Scan ID",
documentInstructionText = "Scan ID",
cancelText = "Cancel"

layoutOptions = IDLayoutOptions(
captureLabelGravity = LabelGravity.CENTER,
topBarCancelButtonGravity = CancelButtonGravity.START),
colorOptions = IDColorOptions(
captureBackgroundColor = "#1C2B48",
captureLabelColor = "#FFFFFF",
captureSuccessLabelTextColor = "#FFFFFF",

captureErrorLabelTextColor = "#1C2B48",
captureErrorLabelBackgroundColor = "#FFFFFF",
captureErrorLabelBackgroundColor = "#FFFFFF"
instructionScreenBackgroundColor = "#1C2B48",
instructionScreenLabelTextColor = "#FFFFFF",
instructionScreenButtonBackgroundColor = "#FFFFFF",
instructionScreenButtonTextColor = "#000000",
retryScreenBackgroundColor = "#1C2B48",
retryScreenLabelTextColor = "#FFFFFF",
retryScreenButtonTextColor = "#000000",
retryScreenButtonBackgroundColor = "#FFFFFF",
retryScreenImageTintColor = "#FFFFFF",
topBarBackgroundColor = "#FFFFFF",
topBarTitleTextColor = "#000000"
fontOptions = IDFontOptions(
labelFont = R.font.roboto_medium,
labelFontSize = 14,
labelPromptFontSize = 14,
instructionScreenButtonFont = R.font.roboto_medium,
instructionScreenLabelFont = R.font.roboto_medium,
retryScreenLabelFont = R.font.roboto_medium,
retryScreenButtonFont = R.font.roboto_medium

/* For Selfie related customizations */
selfieCaptureCustomizationOptions = SelfieCaptureCustomizationOptions(
enableSelfieInstructionScreen = true,
stringOptions = SelfieStringOptions(

captureScreenLabel = "Frame your face inside the oval.",
captureScreenError = "Sorry, we can\'t seem to detect a face.",
moveCloser = "Move Closer",
moveAway = "Move Further",
alignInsideOval = "Align Face Inside Oval",
capturingFace = "Capturing Face",
realFace = "Real Face",
leftEyeClosed = "Left Eye Closed",
rightEyeClosed = "Right Eye Closed",
faceMaskDetected = "Face Mask Detected",
tooMuchLight = "Excessive backlighting detected. Please reduce backlighting to proceed.",
tooDark = "Excessive darkness detected. Please reduce darkness to proceed.",
straightenHead = "Tilt head upright",
eyesClosed = "Keep eyes open",
moveFaceDown = "Move Face Down",
moveFaceUp = "Move Face Up",
glassesDetected = "Remove Glasses",
hatDetected = "Hat detected",
scarfDetected = "Scarf Detected",
scarfHatDetected = "Scarf and Hat detected",
glassesHatDetected = "Glasses and Hat detected",
scarfGlassesDetected = "Scarf and Glasses detected",
maskDetected = "Mask detected",
maskHatDetected = "Mask and Hat detected",
scarfMaskDetected = "Scarf and Mask detected",
maskGlassesDetected = "Mask and Glasses detected",
fakeFace = "Fake Face",
retryScreenLabelText = "Live face not detected. Please try again.",
retryButtonText = "Retry",
cancelButtonText = "Cancel",
selfieInstructionText = "Scan selfie",
cancelText = "Cancel",
layoutOptions = SelfieLayoutOptions(
captureLabelGravity = LabelGravity.CENTER,
topBarCancelButtonGravity = CancelButtonGravity.START),
colorOptions = SelfieColorOptions(
captureBackgroundColor = "#1C2B48",
captureLabelColor = "#FFFFFF",
captureSuccessLabelTextColor = "#FFFFFF"
captureErrorLabelTextColor = "#1C2B48",
captureErrorLabelBackgroundColor = "#FFFFFF",
captureErrorLabelBackgroundColor = "#FFFFFF"
instructionScreenBackgroundColor = "#1C2B48",
instructionScreenLabelTextColor = "#FFFFFF",
instructionScreenButtonBackgroundColor = "#FFFFFF",
instructionScreenButtonTextColor = "#000000",
retryScreenBackgroundColor = "#1C2B48",
retryScreenLabelTextColor = "#FFFFFF",
retryScreenButtonTextColor = "#000000",
retryScreenButtonBackgroundColor = "#FFFFFF",
retryScreenImageTintColor = "#FFFFFF",
topBarBackgroundColor = "#FFFFFF",
topBarTitleTextColor = "#000000",
fontOptions = SelfieFontOptions(
labelFont = R.font.roboto_medium,
labelFontSize = 14,
labelPromptFontSize = 14,
instructionScreenButtonFont = R.font.roboto_medium,
instructionScreenLabelFont = R.font.roboto_medium,
retryScreenLabelFont = R.font.roboto_medium,
retryScreenButtonFont = R.font.roboto_medium

Setting an on cancelled callback

See the code snippet below for how to specify a callback function to be triggered when cancelling/backing out of an SDK operation:

IdentityProofingSDK.setOnCancelled(fun() { print("Cancelled") })

SDK documentation

You can find SDK documentation here

SDK Flavours

  • Identity SDK

  • Identity SDK Without Models

  • IdentityMedium SDK

  • IdentityMedium SDK Without Models

  • IdentityLite SDK

  • IdentityLite SDK Without Models

  • IdentityVideoID SDK

  • IdentityVideoID SDK Without Models

SDK Flavours Supported Features

Identity SDKIdentityMedium SDKIdentityLite SDKIdentityVideoID SDK
Document DetectOn DeviceOn DeviceOn DeviceOn Device
Rotate, crop etc.On DeviceOn ServerOn ServerOn Device
Document RealnessOn DeviceOn ServerOn ServerOn Device
Document ClassificationOn DeviceOn ServerOn ServerOn Device
MRZ/Barcode readingOn DeviceOn DeviceOn ServerOn Device
OCR from frontOn ServerOn ServerOn ServerOn Server
Face detectOn DeviceOn DeviceOn DeviceOn Device
Liveness detectOn DeviceOn DeviceOn DeviceOn Device
Detect hats and glassesOn DeviceOn ServerOn ServerOn Device
Video IDN/AN/AN/AOn Device

To reduce your APK size by excluding specific ABI (Application Binary Interface) support like arm64-v8a, x86_64, or x86, follow these steps:

android {
defaultConfig {
ndk {
// Don't package arm64-v8a or x86_64 , 'x86'
abiFilters 'armeabi-v7a', 'arm64-v8a' // Include only the ABIs you need

SDK Version History

v10. (26th February 2025)

  • Reduced the overall size of SDK.

  • Added configuration options to change the sequence of ID and Selfie capture.

  • Added support for the face mask detection model in the Medium version of the Android SDK.

  • Updated libraries to comply with Google Play Policy changes for READ_MEDIA_IMAGES and READ_MEDIA_VIDEO.

  • Added support to customize overlay and instruction images.

  • Non-English data fields are included in the response.

  • Updated all default AI models to the latest versions.

v9. (03rd December 2024)

  • Improved capture quality with model updates that notify users of obstructions over key ID information.

v9. (18th November 2024)

  • Integrated the latest swagger V4 API version. This includes updates to model download based on V4, updates to the new initialization process, as well as ensuring backward compatibility.

  • Added the selfie image in the response.

  • Added support for an initialization parameter that will enable / disable Location / GPS capture.

  • Improved ID capture guidance messages to inform the user to hold still once the document is detected to ensure a higher quality capture.

  • Added configuration support to allow selfie capture with the back camera.

  • Added support for additional date and timestamp capture as Exif for ID capture and Selfie capture image.

  • QR code for the test applications supports the new initialization process.

  • Update to support multiple security enhancements including the removal of outdated/unused libraries.

  • Enhanced API 34 Support in Android

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.

  • Updated all default AI models to the latest versions.

v9. (February 2024)
  • Reduce response callback time for SDK Initialization Method.

  • Use the doc-detect model to determine document is ID or Passport.

  • Updated all default AI models to the latest versions.

v9. (January 2024)
  • Updated SDK support for additional flags (sendProcessedImagesInResponse and sendInputImagesInResponse)

  • Added ID extracted profession and profession non English data in response

  • Updated all default AI models to the latest versions.

v9. (December 2023)
  • Changed default app_name key to sdk_app_name.

  • Updated all default AI models to the latest versions.

v9. (November 2023)
  • Enhanced Android SDK to support a new feature for voice capture.

  • Enhanced Android SDK to support a new face focus model for improved quality at the time of capture.

  • Updated the Android SDK to ensure the user is not prompted for file storage permission for ID capture as no images are stored on the device.

  • Updated the Android SDK with new Spanish translations for server response status messages.

  • Updated the base URLs used in Android SDK for initialization to ensure they are consistent.

  • Updated fingerprint feature libraries to be consistent with SDK 1.0

  • Updated all default AI models to the latest versions.

  • UI Changes and bug Fixes for Passport NFC detection

  • Removed Firebase Analytics

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.

  • Integrate ID Chip reading ability for passport

  • Improvement for real ID detection and bug fixes.

  • Fixed GTE Data upload issue for ID capture

  • Updated all local models

  • Updated focus model to be downloaded from server and updated

  • default focus threshold.

  • Updated UI elements to allow for customization by integrator - all UI elements are now customizable.

    • Instruction Screen button text and colors

    • Instruction text and colors

  • Enhancements added to improve handling of Video ID

  • New IdentityVideoID SDK for capturing a selfie and ID to match against a previous ID validation call, and then recording a video instructing the user to speak a customizable phrase.

  • Added SignatureCapture support

  • Added FingerPrintCapture support

  • Prevent two faces from being captured during selfie capture.

  • Model Decryption using latest algorithm(AES/GCM/NoPadding).

  • Handle the CAN BC DL barcode XSLT

  • Added Spanish language support

  • Now fitting instead of filling the camera preview to better support the 600px height requirement.

  • Added additional customer response data parameters; state and postalCode.

  • Updated instruction screen for IDCapture & SelfieCapture

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.

  • Additional document upload and capture feature.

  • Added customization of overlay images while capturing ID and selfie.

  • Added focus model for better image capture.

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.

  • Autofill.

  • Added SDK UI Customization.

  • Instruction screens for selfie and ID capture.

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements

  • Enrollment

  • Enrollment with Biometrics

  • Customer Verification

  • ID Validation and face match


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