Android Flutter Wrapper
Setup the Flutter development environment based on the development and target OS by following the steps here,
Setting up the development environment
Verify that all the Flutter dependencies are installed correctly,
flutter doctor
Download and unzip the resources archive, it consists of the android_java_code, android_build_gradle, flutter_dart_code directories.
FlutterSDK2AndroidResources -
Run the following commands in your working directory to create the plugin template:
flutter create --template=plugin --org com.idmission.newsdkflutter --platforms=android,ios -a java -i swift flutter_plugin_identity_sdk
cd flutter_plugin_identity_sdk
cd example
flutter pub upgrade
dart migrate --apply-changes
Connect Android device and run the application,
flutter run
- Add android java code. Copy and paste the contents of the android_java_code folder to the android\src\main\java\com\idmission\newsdkflutter\flutter_plugin_identity_sdk folder. Overwrite files if required.
- Add android build gradle. Copy and paste the contents of the android_build_gradle folder to the android folder. Overwrite file if required.
- Add flutter dart code. From the flutter_dart_code folder, copy and paste flutter_plugin_identity_sdk.dart to the lib folder, copy and paste main.dart to the example/lib folder. Overwrite file if required.
- Modify android plugin project. Open the android folder. In AndroidManifest.xml add the following code in manifest node,
<activity android:name="com.idmission.newsdkflutter.flutter_plugin_identity_sdk.CallPluginActivity"/>
- Modify android app project. Open the example/android folder.
- Open the app folder. In the build.gradle file,
- Change minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion in defaultConfig,
minSdkVersion 24
targetSdkVersion 31
- Add the following code in manifest node,
- Open android app project in Android Studio. Open example/android in Android Studio.
- Build and run the code on an Android device.
flutter build apk --target-platform android-arm64
--split-per-abi --release
- Flutter sample app Download link
- Here is a brief description of the sample app functionality,
- Initialize - Initializes the SDK.
- ID Validation - Initiates ID Validation(Service ID 20) flow.
- ID Validation and Match Face - Initiates ID Validation and Match Face(Service ID 10) flow.
- Identify Customer - Initiates Identify Customer(Service ID 185) flow.
- Live Face Check - Initiates Live Face Check(Service ID 660) flow.
- ID Validation and Customer Enroll - Initiates ID Validation and Customer Enroll(Service ID 50) flow.
- Customer Enroll Biometrics - Initiates Customer Enroll Biometrics(Service ID 175) flow.
- Customer Verification - Initiates Customer Verification(Service ID 105) flow.
- Submit Result - Submits the form.